Cancellation & No Show Policy

Cancellation Policy

At The District, we understand that even with the best of intentions, we can't always make it to class. Outside of 4hrs to the start of class, you can cancel your spot in the class on the Mindbody app. Inside of the 4-hour window, please text, email or call the studio so that we can remove you out of the class.

No Show Policy

If you do not cancel the class and fail to show up, Unlimited Members will be charged a $15 no-show fee; drop-in and punch pass guests will lose a pass. If something has happened and there is a reason for the no-show please call, text or email the studio.

Courtesy Policy

Many of our guests arrive into the space to seek solace from the hustle & bustle of everyday life. We ask that you please leave your phone in the changeroom with the ringer turned off. In the studio, please put your smartwatch into theatre mode.
***If you require your phone for emergency purposes, please talk to the front desk prior to the start of class,