Our studio is dedicated to providing a space that allows for a wide range of offerings and events.  Please keep your eyes on our schedule as these classes are a specialty and aren’t offered all of the time - some will have limited availability.  As always, please let us know if there is something specific you are looking for or a teacher you would like to learn from. You can do this by emailing

We offer a few recurring 6 week registered sessions such as Prenatal Yoga. Please keep your eye on the schedule for new session start dates. 
Refund policy for workshops & special pop-up offerings:

  • No refunds for cancellations within 48 hours of the workshop or event

  • For cancellations made within 1 weeks of start date, there is a 50% refund

  • If you cannot attend all workshop dates, please reach out, we will do our best to work with you to accommodate make up dates. Prenatal Yoga is not subject to make up dates due to the limited class size.